TYHOO Pipe Insert Sleeve Catalog.pdf
TYHOO's pipe insert sleeve is a pipe fitting specially designed to protect the welded joint area of piping from corrosive process fluids by forming a continuous internal coating transmission at the joint welding section. This product can be used in field jointing of both onshore and offshore pipeline installation and can be manufactured to be a wide range of size, grade, material or configuration of piping system. The sleeve is compatible with both liquid or powder material pipe coatings.
The design purpose of the pipe insert sleeve is to provide a coherent internal coating for the internally coated pipes, with considering the cleaning and operating work of pipeline after installation, and increase pipeline service life.
With proper coating applied suitable for working under specific transporting medium condition of each project, high temperature isolation treatment for pipe welding, and using high temperature and corrosive resisting sealing rings and mastic epoxy, the pipe insert sleeve provides a satisfying protection for the pipeline internal cutback area.
The pipe insert sleeve within Tyhoo's scope of manufacturing fits for internally coated pipeline outer diameter typically ranges from 2 inch to 48 inch (60.3mm-1219mm). As for pipe size above 12inch, it is suggested to use Tyhoo's internal field joint coating robot for the application of internal field joint coating.
Benefits of Pipe Insert Sleeve for Internal Field Joint Coating
• Easy installation
• Increasing pipeline service life
• Increasing flow efficiency
• Reducing internal corrosion
• Providing coherent pipeline internal protection
• Reducing pipe wall thickness requirements
• Diminishing or eliminating pipeline leaks